Why Facebook and Instagram stopped , All Meta platforms

 On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Meta's Facebook and Instagram platforms suffered a sudden disruption that cut their services on millions of users around the world. The event sparked mixed reactions among the audience, including astonishment, anger, ridicule and the search for alternatives.

Why Facebook and Instagram stopped and how

The company did not reveal the real reason for the malfunction, but some media reports suggested it may be linked to the appearance of a former Facebook activist on a US television screen, who revealed internal documents accusing the company of knowing that its products feed hatred and harm children's mental health.

All meta platforms are currently:

Why Facebook and Instagram stopped and how

Yes, I am aware that Facebook and Instagram were down for about six hours on this day .  Facebook says the cause was an internal technical issue , which affected not only Facebook's services, but also employees' work passes and email .  Other Facebook-owned services such as WhatsApp, Oculus, and apps that require Facebook login were also affected This outage is rare for this scale and duration.  The outage also costs Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg about $6 billion . Zuckerberg apologized to those affected by the outage

Lompa xx
By : Lompa xx